General statement

Whilst browsing the web page you comply to following conditions:

The page was developed to accommodate the needs of company REFORM Ltd. (furthermore “REFORM”). Browsing of this webpage is without restrictions, REFORM is responsible for content and structure published on its pages, however, is not responsible for content and structure of page, which it references, and which are not its property.

REFORM reserves the rights for change of content and structure of these pages, and as well the change of these general conditions.

All texts, pictures, brands, data and further information published, are subjected to copyright and authorship law and are a property of company REFORM or third parties contractually bound to company REFORM. Use of any texts, pictures, brands data and further information published is possible exclusively with in-written issued permission provided by company REFORM.

Company REFORM collects personal data by users of the web page only with their consent and uses them exclusively for purpose for which they have been obtained (contact, orders). Reform uses all data collected in accordance with GDPR and Personal Data Protection Act.