Cranes and Monorails
Tackles and appliances
Sliding gates
Transport platform trolleys and self-emptying containers
Custom production
Servicing, Maintenance and Revisions

Welcome on the pages of company Reform, Slovak producer of lifting equipment
Reform company was established in year 2000, with focus on servicing, repairs and maintenance of lifting equipment. Gradually it expanded its activities into production of lifting equipment and projecting activities. In year 2005, company fulfilled the conditions of quality certification according to ISO 9000 Standard. Currently it offers its services in area of production, maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of lifting equipment over whole area of Slovakia, whilst simultaneously developing its activities in Czech Republic via Czech branch of company.
Reform offers and guarantees
- high quality
- reliability
- longevity of products
- completeness of deliveries
- quality driven servicing, technical support, projection and realization
- 2 years products warranty
- warranty and post warranty maintenance

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